5.5 Staking for DAO

When your staking duration surpasses the six-month mark, whether you've engaged in flexible staking or locked staking, you become eligible to receive a portion of governance tokens known as gECT. This allocation is based on your staking reward score, which entitles you to participate in the decentralized governance framework of the ec-cube ecosystem.

Holding DECT tokens empowers you with the rights to contribute to critical decisions that influence the trajectory of ec-cube. This includes, but is not limited to, the following aspects:

  • Device Pricing: As a token holder with a stake in the system, you have the opportunity to weigh in on the pricing of devices. Your input can help strike a balance between affordability and the value provided by the technology, ensuring that the devices remain accessible to a wide range of users while also reflecting the costs associated with development and maintenance.

  • Mining Rewards: You can participate in shaping the mining rewards structure. This includes the mechanisms of reward distribution, the overall allocation of tokens, and any necessary adjustments to maintain a fair and sustainable mining environment.

By actively engaging in the governance process with your DECT tokens, you become a pivotal member of the community, helping to steer the platform's evolution and development. Your voice and vote are essential, and together with the broader community, you can guide the project towards a prosperous future!

We encourage all eligible stakers to actively engage in the governance of ec-cube, as your involvement is vital for the ongoing success and growth of the platform. Your participation helps ensure that the collective vision for the future is shaped democratically and in the best interests of all stakeholders.

Last updated