4. The Cost of Ec Plug

Q1: What components make up the cost of EC Plug?

The costs of EC-Plug are composed of the following:

  1. Manufacturing Costs: This includes the expenses related to the production of the physical goods or the creation of digital assets associated with EC-Plug.

  2. Logistics Costs: Encompasses the transportation, warehousing, and delivery expenses necessary to move products or services from the point of origin to the point of consumption.

  3. Development Costs: Refers to the financial outlay for the design, programming, and overall creation of the EC-Plug platform or product.

  4. Token Buyback Costs: A portion of the profits from the sale of EC Plug will be used to repurchase ECT, in order to maintain the stability of the ECT price.

Q2: What is the cost of EC-Plug?

  1. The manufacturing, development, and logistics costs for EC Plug are $100.

  2. The ECT buyback cost for EC Plug is $100. For details, please refer to Token Buyback.

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